
Anne-Sophie Morisset
Dt.P., Ph.D., Food in institutional settings collaborator

Marie-Ève Labonté
Dt.P., Ph.D., co-responsable researcher of Portrait of Food categories
Research and support professionals

Élisabeth Demers-Potvin
Dt. P., M.Sc. research professional – nutritionist

Alexa Gaucher-Holm
Dt. P., M.Sc., research professional – nutritionist
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee’s mandate is to support the global development of the Observatory. It focuses on adopting guidelines, providing advice, approving annual programming and budget planning, managing relationships of interest, providing funding support and ensuring the sustainability of the Observatory.
The Steering Committee is composed of decision makers from the following organizations:
- Michel Saint-Pierre, Steering Committee’s Chairman
- Isabelle Allard, ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ)
- Yan Cimon, Deputy Vice Rector, External and International Affairs and Health, Université Laval
- Joëlle Emond, Ordre des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec (ODNQ)
- Valérie Emond, Bureau d’information et d’études en santé des populations, INSPQ
- Hélène Gagnon, ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)
- François Lagarde, communication and social marketing independant consultant
- Mario Lalancette, Association québécoise des fruits et légumes (AQDFL)
- Renée Michaud, executive director, INAF, Université Laval
- Véronique Provencher, scientific director, INAF, Université Laval
- Laurélie Trudel, assistant director INAF, Food Quality Observatory
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee’s mandate is to support the Observatory’s team in defining and coordinating the research program.
This committee is composed of research experts in the many fields related to food supply:
- Véronique Provencher, INAF, Université Laval, committee’s chairman
- Konstantinia Arvaniti, Santé Canada
- Anne-Marie Boulay, Polytechnique
- Sarah Chouinard-Castonguay, MSSS
- Fabien Durif, UQAM
- Marie-Eve Labonté, INAF, Université Laval
- Marcia Leblanc, Santé Canada
- Julie Maltais-Giguère, INSPQ
- Geneviève Mercille, Université de Montréal
- Anne-Sophie Morisset, INAF, Université Laval
- Véronique Perreault, ITHQ
- Céline Plante, INSPQ
- Para Radanielina, MAPAQ
- Laure Saulais, INAF, Université Laval
Knowledge Mobilization Committee
The Advisory Committee’s mandate is to represent the viewpoint of users of the Observatory’s knowledge on priority issues. It also aims to inform, collaborate and mobilize partners in their respective sectors to achieve the Observatory’s objectives and mission, in order to ensure the social utility of its work.
This committee is made up of members representing the Observatory’s four target audiences: inter-sectoral ministerial decision-makers, the bio-food industry, consumers and consumer representative groups, and the scientific community:
- Annie Tessier, Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec (UPA)
- Annick Van Campenhout, Conseil de la transformation alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
- Francis Mailly, Conseil canadien du commerce de détail (CCCD)
- Julie Desrosiers, Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec (ODNQ)
- Lyne Gosselin, Edikom
- Marie-Josée Bolduc, Santé Canada
- Mario Lalancette, Association québécoise des fruits et légumes (AQDFL)
- Pascale Chaumette, Direction régionale de santé publique de la Capitale-Nationale
- Sophie Desroches, INAF, Université Laval
- Véronique Provencher, INAF, Université Laval
Ethics Advisory Committee
The Ethics Advisory Committee ensures the prevention and management of conflicts of interest and supports the consideration of the values involved in the various orientations or activities of the Observatory.
The Ethics Advisory Committee members all have a complementary expertise in ethics:
- Bryn Williams-Jones, Université de Montréal, bioethics and responsible conduct in research expert
- Christian Toupin, external expertise/member of the public
- France Filiatrault, INSPQ, Public Health Expertise — Public Health Ethics Committee, Secretary of the Comité d’éthique de santé publique and ethics counsellor for the organization and its professionals
- Lyne Létourneau, Chair of the Ethics Advisory Committee, applied ethics expert — Agriculture and Food, and responsible conduct in research, Université Laval